Life Album

line If one were to make one huge family and friends album of photographs and memorabilia, this would be my "life album." My life album is organized according to three major periods: my earlier, adult-mid, and later years. My earlier years describe my beginnings, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, from birth through 30 years old, roughly 1942 through 1971. My adult through middle years contain material relevant from 30 through 59 years old, roughly 1972 through 2001. And my latter years comprise content from age 60, roughly 2002, to the present. This trichotomy, where to make such demarcations, is rather arbitrary, but it helps me comprehend the course of my life, as may become more obvious in the study of both my timeline and life album at the junctures (1971-1972 and 2001-2002).
early years
mid years
later years